
Microfiber cloth is the best material for dusting the house.

What is the best cleaning cloth for cleaning the house?

When you are cleaning your house, you notice the dust is there again; after you wipe the surface several times, you get frustrated.  The best cleaning cloth for dusting is microfiber. It is the most effective for dusting, mopping, or washing the windows.

House cleaning is a time-consuming energy busting task that repeats continuously. With that said, I love cleaning, says no one ever! So, to make house cleaning easier or tolerable, I learned to use practical cleaning tools. Such as microfiber cleaning cloth. Mind you, not all microfiber cloths are created equal. There is low-quality microfiber, and there is high-quality microfiber.

It is always best to use a high-quality microfiber cloth. A high-quality microfiber cloth will save you cleaning time. First, what is a microfiber material? According to deohs.Washington.edu, microfiber is a polyester and nylon (polyamide). It is a fiber used to make the fabric. The thread is split many times and is smaller than human hair. In 1960, Miyoshi Okamoto, a scientist, discovered synthetic microfibers that led to many industrial applications. wikipedia.org/wiki/Microfiber  Fast forward; microfiber material is in apparel, accessories, and other industries.

For cleaning products, split microfiber is considered high-quality. The smaller the denier measurement, the finer and more effective the microfiber. It can absorb water and leave no lint. Microfiber cleaning mop also uses less water and cleaning chemicals. The University of California, Davis Medical Center study, a microfiber mop is proven to be 99% more effective in reducing the bacteria on the floor than a cotton-loop mop. Microfiber cleaning cloths and mop comes in many colors. You can implement the color-coding system for specific usage with different colors, preventing cross-contamination.

Be mindful of the type of microfiber you will purchase and use. There are plenty of brands that produce different kinds and quality. Some microfiber cloths are better for a specific job, like cleaning windows. The type of microfiber cloth that is suitable for window cleaning is the kind that does not scratch or leaves a streak on windows.

The house cleaning microfiber cloth I prepare is the super absorbent kind. With this type of microfiber, I use fewer cleaning solutions when cleaning the house, especially the bathrooms. I rely mainly on water and dish soap. The microfiber cloth helps absorb water effectively. And the best benefit of microfiber is you can wash it over and over. Thus, a microfiber cleaning cloth is the best for cleaning the house.


