
Spring into action. New plans, new goals and New You. Winter is over. Time to move-on. Continue with life’s journey. Begin with cleaning your mind, body and home. Remove the clutters that binds the past and the future. Focus in today.

Let’s start with the mind. Clean up the mind perhaps by taking a social media day off? I know, we need our daily Facebook and Instagram fixed. One day, maybe two? It is very difficult, yes, but I am confident it is doable. Like giving the mind a break from the unwanted elements that social media produces. Receiving calmness in the middle of noise. Listening to silence to clean the soul of all unwanted toxic. Relaxing the mind to let the inner peace take over.

Cleaning the body of negative vibes by focusing on positivity. Exercising can help followed by meditation. Eating the correct amount of food. I did not say well balance diet. In ideal world, I will say that, but in real life it is hard to accomplish a well balance diet daily. Too many things keep us from making a well balance diet. Instead of dieting, I stick to eating the appropriate amount for my body. Not over eating. To hydrate, drinking plenty of water and varieties of teas, and staying away from soda also helps clean the body of toxic.

Another important addition is sleep. We need to have full night of sleep. Our body relaxes when we are in deep sleeping mode. Lack of sleep makes us tired and irritable. Not getting the proper number of hours of sleep can and will harm the body. How much sleep do we need? About seven to eight good sleep each night.

With clean mind and body add a clean and clutter free home. This is the place where we rest and recuperate to get ready for the next day. A good top to bottom house cleaning help maintain a healthy home. Similarly, getting rid of unwanted clutters will give our homes extra space and less items to dust and clean.

Clean mind. Clean body. Clean home. Now, ready for new plans, new goals and new You? Spring into action! Make it a great day, every day!


A Guided Meditation with Wayne Dyer – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

