
Our team leader member Elizabeth is back from her maternity leave. She took a leave of absent a couple of months before her baby was born. So far, Angelica is still out on maternity leave. We are looking forward to her return. We also hired two new team members of which will be introduce next month.

The busy season in the cleaning industry is fast approaching. After Halloween many unscheduled homes starts to come in. It is a challenge to accommodate some of the request but at the same time it is a blessing.

The challenge comes when the new cleaning does not fall in our area of service. We have to re-direct our teams from A to B to do the service which causes delays thus time.

The blessings comes when the new clean turns into regular service. Additional bonus is when the client is kind and understanding. We love to serve when the client we are serving are respectful and appreciative. Either way it is our profession. We serve to the best of our ability.

On the lighter side, this month’s Rejoice Fun Day was supposed to be in Stone Mountain. The plan changed. Many of our team members could not make the long drive. So we had to make a quick decision. We did Breakfast and Pedicure. We had 12 people show-up for breakfast in Cracker Barrel.

For the unplanned Pedicure we went to Luxury Nails in Woodstock. It was Cristina, Margarita, Patty, Legna and Yoselin that made it. It is a joy seeing these hardworking ladies bond. I am thankful that we are able to spend time with each other outside work.

It is a challenge to have everybody’s time meet in one direction. But each month we will try. The benefits of outside work getting together is wonderful to all team members. The camaraderie between the ladies is getting better each time.

Truly an amazing team, Rejoice Maids.


