
My husband developed a habit of making the bed each morning before he goes to work. I loved it! It is something very important to me. A simple thing to do but requires effort. There’s plenty of reasons not to do it.

One typical reason is “It’s just going to get unmade again tonight, why bother?” Another is “I don’t’ have the time.” And plenty more excuses. Come to think of it. It does require effort to do. But set aside the excuses. Let us talk about the benefits of why it is good to make the bed each day? Reasons: It’s start’s the day off right, it encourages you to move on to the next task, it improves productivity, it improves your mood and It just looks good.

Start the day off right. This simple task helps you feel you have already accomplished something early in the morning. There, if you stop and not do anything else after making the bed, you already did something.

It encouraged you to move to the next task. having done one thing makes you do another. It’s like a domino effect feeling. Getting’s done without thinking, you just do it.

Improves your productivity- look at it this way, once you started something it is hard to stop. Your energy level is high, you feel good, therefore you keep on moving.

It improves your mood. Admit the fact that when you make something good, you automatically feel good. It has something to do with the way things look. Things that are easy on the eyes are easily appreciated compare to the chaotic scene. Anything in our home that implies order gives the impression of calm and tranquility. Thus improve the overall mood.

Try it. Start a new habit. Make the bed each morning. See how this new improve “you” will make you feel each day. Lastly, check out this commencement speech by Admiral William H. McRaven for the University of Texas at Austin. A very inspiring speech.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70