
Got a new chair? How about old chairs, a love seat, a couch? Check for scratches on the floors underneath the furniture. I have old furniture, the newest one is about two years old. The other day, I noticed new scratches on my floors. The first thing I did was to ask my husband, there are only two of us in the house, he is the first suspect. Of course, he had no idea.

Next, I moved the furniture. There, the sound gave it away. The two years old chair is the culprit. Just by listening to the sound, I can tell the bottom of the chair is grinding the floors. See, when the new chairs arrived from the manufacturer there are Plastic Pads on the bottom of each leg of the chairs. The manufacturers placed the Plastic Pads to prevent the chairs from scratching the floors.

As time progress, the chair is continuously sat on, the Plastic Pads gradually wear away. Thus, the unnoticed scratches underneath the chair. Until the day of discovery, sometimes when you happen to pick up something on the floors.

How do we prevent or reduce the scratches on the floors? Based on this experience, annually or every six months check the bottom legs of the furniture. Put new Felt Pads.

To remember this task, including the furniture check-up on the annual to-do list. Like the gutter cleaning, fireplace check-up, and heating and air. Or during Spring Cleaning.

Although, not an argent matter, it is something we should do. Placing Felt Pads underneath all furniture will save us from refinishing the wood floors. The Felt Pads are available in most stores and it is inexpensive. A simple thing that can save time and money in the future.

