
present In my experienced as owner of cleaning company I can say in my industry Christmas and Thanksgiving are the busiest holidays of the year.

Thanksgiving being the start of the holiday season prepares me for the coming back to back holidays. With families, employees and clients to worry about my stress level during this time of year is as high as Stone Mountain.

This year I try to lessen the stress. I have gathered some tips for less stress holidays from different sources. From http://www.huffingtonpost.com  “Thanksgiving dinner is a meal that is very well suited to making ahead,” I know thanksgiving is just a few days away. But I hope you have prepared some of the food already. There are side dishes that can be cook a head of time like the cranberry sauce and sweet potato casserole.

From Woman’s Day online site; they recommend to try new things. Instead of doing the same things that you have done every year, make a change. Example if you write your own Christmas cards and you are too busy ask someone to help you. Share the Christmas writing with someone, make it a bonding time. www.womansday.com

This one I like the most from Organized Christmas; 10 Simplicity Strategies if you like to see the rest visit their website.  http://christmas.organizedhome.com. In the very bottom of the strategies is the number ten. Very simple tip. After you have done all the necessary preparations like house cleaning, gift buying and wrapping, cooking and entertaining set aside time for yourself. Yes, you. Give yourself a break for the job well done!
