
Happy Mothers Day!Happy Mother’s Day to all mother’s out there. I wish you all the best day and best year! I hope you are not cleaning your house today or even this week. The week of mother’s day should be mother’s week not just one day. But regardless this is a special day. It is the only time of the year mothers are being recognized. We all know being a mother is never ending responsibility.

Mothers job requires twenty-four hours service. With occasional one week vacation to the beach or Disney or whatever the family fancy or can afford. But even during vacations mothers still works. The children and the husband still needs to be care for.

If you are a working mom. It is an additional work on top of your motherly duty. But no one is complaining. It is the responsibility we all openly embrace. This mother’s day let’s have a break from all the household task like cleaning, gardening and laundry. The chores are not going anywhere. I suggest spend a day in the spa. Have a family picnic. Bring take-out food, serve the spread using paper plates. Hire someone to clean your home.  Do anything that does not require work or produce stress. After all, it is only one day in the year we get spoiled. Enjoy a real day off!