
Do you have kids? Do you have pets? Do you have a busy schedule? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, chances are you need to hire a cleaning service. With the help of a cleaning service, you will be surprised to know how much extra time you will have to enjoy life.


Its up to you to decide how often you will want your house cleaned. For the messiest of families we can clean as often as one time a week. If it were just a spring-cleaning you are looking for, we would love to clean your house upon request. One time cleanings or deep cleanings are also nice before parties. The time we spend to clean all the nooks and crannies of your house, you can spend getting other tasks done.

If it is a bi-weekly cleaning you are looking for, we will come to your house the same day every other week. By having your home cleaned more frequently, we are able to not spend as long, thus costing you less money in the long haul. Finding the right balance may take some time but here at Rejoice Maids we would love to discuss with you your many options.

The average room in a house takes over an hour to clean, not to mention the toll it takes on your joints. Let us take care of all the dirty work for you; it is our passion you know.  Let us know how we can better serve you and create a happier cleaner home!