
Today is Earth Day. An event observed in most countries in the world. It is a day Mother Earth is celebrated. Focusing on protection, preservation, and awareness of the environment. With population growth all over the world, Earth, our planet is slowly being overrun.

As technological advances continue to advance, we expect conveniences in all forms. Consequently, some comfort we have chosen is not good for the environment, yet we continue to use and relied on it. In effect, we contributed to the heavy burdened the Earth carries. Luckily, there are organizations such as Earth Day Network https://www.earthday.org/earthday/ working globally to spread awareness to protect, preserve and promote the various ways we can help lessen the environmental impact of our choices.

With the United States leading the world in enacting laws to protect the environment. We have the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many more. Globally, other countries are also doing their share to help.

We, as citizens of the Earth, can each contribute in our own little way. In our homes, we can choose to recycle, re-used and conserved. We can recycle bottles, plastics, and papers. Our used clothing, shoes and bags can be re-used. Simply donating the items to charitable organizations that support people in need. We can conserve electricity by installing solar power, conserving water by taking a shorter shower and saving rainwater to water the plants.

As a small local house cleaning company, we do our little share. We use environmentally safe cleaning products, reusable cleaning towels, Hepa filter vacuum bags and drive low emission gas conservative cars. Our goal is to continue to learn ways to conserve energy by being efficient in our work.

In other words, there are plenty of small ways to help protect, preserve and promote Earth Day. Let us not forget the things that will affect us now and in the future. The environment that we lived in. Earth needs our help. If everyone will do a small share, we will have less environmental disaster and Earth will continue to be our planet.

How about you? What have you done lately to help?