How to remove water stain on stainless steel dishwasher? So many cleaning products to choose from. But when it comes to removing water stains on stainless steel only one cleaning solution in my experience is worth the time and money. My personal opinion is based on my years of being a house cleaning professional. The product is Bar Keeper’s Friend. This versatile cleaning solution is powerful when it comes to stainless steel surfaces. In addition, this cleaning solution is available in many stores like Walmart and Kroger. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bar-Keepers-Friend-Soft-Cleanser-Liquid-26-fl-oz/16662144 At Rejoice Maids, we continuously test products. Not just for our benefits but for our clients and the community. As a house cleaning service, our teams are the first ones in the line of defense when it comes to environmental safety. With that in mind, we make sure we used products that are proven safe, effective and will not cause harm to our teams, clients, and the environment. Bar Keeper’s Friend cleaning product is also inexpensive. One bottle can clean a whole house plus more. You can use this product to remove water stain on the toilet bowl, hard surface kitchen, stainless steel refrigerator, stainless steel microwave, and as this video shows in a stainless steel dishwasher. Keep in mind to always follow the product direction on how to use it. Finally, always read the manufacturer’s instructions before use. For House Cleaning Questions: https://www.rejoicemaids.com/book-now-2/